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Wholesale Kitchen and Bath Countertop Fabrication
NA, US, Northeast, CT
Cash Flow: $2,500,000
Revenue: $9,200,000

Automotive Parts Manufacturing And Assembly Business
NA, US, South Central, TX
Cash Flow: $1,000,000
Revenue: $5,400,000

Real Estate & Private Lending Company
NA, US, Midwest, IA
Cash Flow:  $1,100,000
Revenue: $2,500,000

eCommerce Brand in the Firearms Parts & Accessories Sector
NA, US, Southeast, FL
Cash Flow: $1,400,000
Revenue: $4,200,000

Regional Provider of Print Finishing & Packaging Services
EBITDA: $2,600,000
Revenue: $15,300,000

Fence Contractor & Supplier
NA, US, Northeast, NJ
Cash Flow: $1,900,000
Revenue: $5,500,000

NA, US, Northwest, NV
Cash Flow: $1,500,000
Revenue: $6,000,000

Auto Rental Recovery Business
NA, US, South Central, TX
EBITDA: $4,900,000
Revenue: $16,200,000

Commercial General Construction and Development Company
NA, US, Southwest, UT
EBITDA: $3,600,000
Revenue: $31,000,000

Halal Restaurant
NA, US, Northeast, NY
Cash Flow: $1,200,000
Revenue: $2,400,000